Kava Staking Guide with Keplr Wallet

Kava is a cross-chain DeFi lending platform that allows users to borrow, mint & swap assets, without the need for a traditional financial intermediary. Users can collateralize their crypto assets, like BTC, BNB, XRP in return for Kava’s stablecoin, USDX. Kava is built on Cosmos, and uses a Tendermint-based proof-of-stake (POS) consensus mechanism to ensure the integrity of the network.
Staking Kava
Head over to https://wallet.keplr.app/#/kava/stake and connect your Keplr wallet. If you require a Keplr installation guide, have a look at our Cosmos guide here. Select a validator of your choosing and click on “Manage”, on the pop-up window click on “Delegate”.

Before choosing a validator do your own research
On the following window enter the amount you wish to stake, select “Delegate” again, and then click on “Approve”. After a few moments, your delegation will process and you will start earning rewards. You can also participate in the governance voting proposals in the “Governance” section.

Leave some spare Kava in your wallet to cover transaction fees
Staking will lock your funds for 21 days, and while unbonding, you will not be receiving rewards. You can redelegate to another validator if you wish so, the process is instant and doesn’t require any waiting period.
In Keplr wallet we can see our staked Kava and the rewards available. Keep in mind that claiming rewards incurs transaction fees. These rewards can be delegated to increase your staking size.

If you have any questions, looking for alternatives to delegate, or just want to chat, you can contact us on the following channels:
Website: https://www.Easy2Stake.com/
E-mail: contact@Easy2Stake.com
Telegram: https://t.me/Easy2Stake
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Easy2Stake
Blog: https://medium.com/Easy2Stake